Our responsibility
It is important that we treat our surroundings and the environment with respect. RUST-OLEUM is a chemical company and we are conscious of the types of raw materials we use in our products. As a company, we respond to the needs of our target group, but do so in the most environmentally responsible manner possible.

Coatings Care®
Environment and safety programme
Rust-Oleum is a member of CoatingsCare®, the environment and safety programme for paint manufacturers from all over the world. These companies make effective use of the materials provided by the programme. Everything is focused on creating added value while raising HSE standards specifically in terms of the environment.
Sustainability declaration
More than just 'Greening'
For our parent company, RPM International, sustainability involves more than just ‘greening' our products and activities. It is much broader than that. Sustainability is about the survival and growth of the company. This is for the benefit of our clients, employees, suppliers, communities and shareholders.
The Rust-Oleum Green Team
A better and greener workplace
One group of employees has made continuous recommendations within company departments that have led to the creation of a better and greener workplace. Over the years, the recommendations made by the Rust-Oleum Green Team have brought about a reduction in the use of packaging materials. Recycled paper is also increasingly being used in the production of literature and labels.