• Excellent opacity and corrosion protection
  • Easy to apply, excellent flow and aspect
  • Extra durable because of polyurethane addition
  • Available in any colour in gloss, satin or metallic finish
  • Also dries at low temperatures
  • Durable high-build smooth finish

Single pack high performance anti-corrosion topcoat based on a urethane modified alkyd. Ideal for low temperatures (as low as 5°C). The same protection in less layers than other alkyd-systems.


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Product details

7500.MM.1, 7500.MM.5, 7506.1, 7506.5, 7507.1, 7507.5, 7508.1, 7508.5, 7509.1, 7509.5, 7510.5, 7511.1, 7511.5, 7515.5, 7523.5, 7526.5, 7535.5, 7537.5, 7543.5, 7548.5, 7550.MM.1, 7550.MM.5, 7556.1, 7556.5, 7557.1, 7557.5, 7558.1, 7558.5, 7559.1, 7559.5, 7575.1, 7578.5, 7579.1, 7579.5, 7581.5, 7582.5, 7586.5, 7592.1, 7592.5, 7594.1, 7594.5
Main Features
1-component, Apply at low temperatures, Solvent-based, Tintable, Topcoat
Gloss Level
Gloss, Metallic, Satin
0.88 L, 1 L, 0.91 L, 0.94 L, 4.375 L, 4.38 L, 5 L, 4.53 L, 4.69 L 
Application type
Air-atomised Spraygun, Airless Spraygun, Brush, Roller
Substrate Metal
Bare or blasted metal, Prepainted metal, Stainless Steel
Touch dry
2 hours (20°C), 3 hours (5°C), 1.5 hours (30°C)
Dry to recoat
16 hours (20°C), 24 hours (5°C), 8 hours (30°C)
VOC level
392 g/l